Because This Is Your Life

No matter how you look at it…it’s true. And there’s a scary part to it…and possibly the feeling of security as well. It just depends on you. Along with this comes the strangest part of all… The fact that you can know the “scary part” is going on in your life and still be content…even…

What happens when you watch a movie on TV? You see a story that has a script to it. It has a beginning, an end, and the events that take place in between. But sometimes it doesn’t go the way as planned…even though it may seem like it’s supposed to at first. In many ways…

How can something at times be the messiest thing you’ll ever see… While at the same time is one of the most important and neatest things in your life? And not just during different moments throughout your life…but all throughout your life? Along with this… How can this very thing also be the source of…

It’s a situation you’re all too familiar with. It occurs consistently throughout your life…usually every day in some way. And the weird part… You’ve been on “both sides of the fence” so to speak…and quite often at the same moment. What I’m referring to are those situations you find yourself in when you get “put…

When you think of the word “revolution” what comes to mind? Perhaps thoughts of a war, groups of rebellious people, change of some kind, and even the Beatles song. What may not come to mind are two words (truth , evolution) that play a vital part in how your life turns out. Before talking about…

During your life you’ll consistently come across situations that at first boggles your mind… And sometimes they’ll even leave what some would call a permanent impression on you. In fact… This can even include words that describe these situations in ways that look completely opposite of each other…while at the same time are often misunderstood…

It’s a moment experienced by every human being… It leads to similar moments that occur throughout the lives of everyone… It happens in every area of your life…and takes you further and further away from the truth while at the same time is actually there to guide you to the truth when you become aware…

There’s something still taking place right now that most people felt has been over with since the 1940’s…a world war. Even though World War 2 ended in 1945, there’s been a world war going on ever since… And it’s been cleverly disguised to most people. No, it’s not World War 3. It’s an ongoing “tug…

During the course of your life you’ll go on a variety of vacations. Some will be what I call “road trips” for a day… Some will be actual vacations for a certain amount of time to a certain place… Some may actually turn into making a move to a different place and calling that your…

It is the name of a well-known song by a well-known band… It’s something many people believe in… It’s also something that was officially discovered while food shopping… It has everything to do with you…your life…the decisions you make…and knowing who (and what to believe). And it has to do with God…and something God only…

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