Question submitted via Formspring: “How can one be assertive and self-confident without seeming imposing or “better-than-thou”. Likewise  how can one be humble and reserved without seeming weak or insecure?” An excellent question! Just today a friend asked me if it was better to seem confident bordering on arrogant in job interviews, since he was concerned that…

As of a few days ago when the Autumnal Equinox occurred, we are moving into the time of the year when our thoughts naturally turn inward and become more introspective. This is the time to start focusing on the internal changes we need to make, more than trying to change the world around us. It’s…

Question submitted via Formspring: “She was really pissed that day and when I was going to propose to her.  She said she doesn’t want to hear from me anymore. She thinks I’m a like a brother and friend and nothing more. Her relatives are about to beat me up. But i want to continue badly.”…

In my coaching work, one of the questions I get asked most often is: “What’s an easy way to attract more money?” The answer is simple, but not easy.  Actually, it’s easy, too, but often times our mental blocks make it difficult.  To give you a little background, I have manifested money in a few…

Question submitted via Formspring: “How can I be less sensitive?  It seems that every little thing that people say or do upsets me.  Everyone says I am just ‘too sensitive’, but I don’t know what to do.  Help!” The simple answer is: Being ‘too sensitive’ isn’t the problem; taking things too personally is the problem.…

Question submitted via Formspring: “I am perceived at work as being quiet and unassuming and unresponsive to the social interactions of others in the workplace. What should I about this when there is work to be done?” The simple answer is: loosen up a bit!  For the more complete answer, let’s break this one into…

All of us know that the position of the sun when we are born gives us our ‘birth sign’, such as Aries, Taurus, etc.  Some of us also know that the positions of the other planets at the time of our birth have a major impact on whom and what we are as well. However,…

Question submitted via Formspring: I had this date with a guy nearly a month ago, there were hints that he likes me, and he said he would like to see me again.   He also said that he would like to cook for me and stuff; but now he barely answers my emails. He has exams…

Question submitted via Formspring: “I’m a 27 years old guy and have never dated and never had a girlfriend. I have been attracted to different girls throughout the years but when I expressed my interest to them they have always rejected me. I’m now wandering what is it with me? Thanks.” We talked about this in…

Question submitted via Formspring: “Should vaccinating your child be a choice? A while back a one-year-old girl in my neighborhood contracted and died of measles after playing in the park with a boy whose mother didn’t believe in vaccinations. It scares me from taking my kid out in public.” We talked about this on a recent…

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