Question submitted via Formspring: “My friends say I’m racist because I’m not sexually attracted to certain races. I have friends from all races and treat everyone equally but I’m just not sexually attracted at all to a couple races. Am I subconsciously racist or just have a certain type?” No, not being attracted to certain…

Question submitted via Formspring: “I’ve been seeing a guy for 2 months but we’ve only gone out 3 times no sex. He works on the weekend and has grad school during the week. I always have to initiate the date, and he’ll quickly accept. I fear he’s not interested because he’s not making effort.” Have…

We are punished by our sins, not for them. ~Elbert Hubbard. Spirituality, especially organized Religion, often gets a bad rap as being nothing but “Thou Shalt Nots”.  And, to be honest, in many houses of worship, it IS nothing but a collection of “Thou Shalt Nots”! But, the Power that placed us here on Earth…

“I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so different from your Christ” -Mahatma Gandhi Imagine there was a great teacher. A brilliant man who’s words move, touch, and inspire many who hear him. A revolutionary who wasn’t afraid to confront the evils of his time, or stand up…

  1.God loves you. It has become very popular lately to make God out to be some sort of vengeful tyrant, angrily threatening to destroy whoever has offended Him today. Nothing could be further from the truth. You can be sure that if an All-Powerful God wanted someone destroyed, they would be destroyed. More importantly,…

“A pessimist is one who feels bad when he feels good for fear he’ll feel worse when he feels better.” – Anonymous A friend of mine asked me to help her beat her pessimism, so I decided to dedicate today’s article to the topic. So first, what is a pessimist? For our purposes, a pessimist…

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.” -Buddha (Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.) The purpose of these articles was never to attempt to convert anyone into…

(Unedited) Question submitted via Formspring “Hello Dave, I must admit that I like your articles on beliefnet and will like you to keep it up. My question is why is it so hard trying to get involved with a guy that doesn’t cheat, because all the guys I have been with had cheated at one…

We have discussed Buddhism and how to ‘properly’ interpret scripture before, so today we will discuss the parallel sayings of two of the world’s Great Masters: Buddha and Jesus Christ. Originally, this article was intended to compare, contrast, and explain these passages; but upon reflection there is nothing that can be added beyond the Great Teachers’ own words. It…

Unedited questions submitted via Formspring: “I have a great girlfriend and we have a good sex life. But I watch porn everyday and I feel ashamed. I’ve tried to stop but after about a week I go back to my old ways. She would be very upset if she found out.” “I masturbate every day thinking…

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