Your Morning Cup of Inspiration

Everyone wants a magic formula for success. Some people pray for what they want. Others visualize achieving their goals. They have vision boards and notebooks. And all of that is good. There is nothing wrong with focusing your mind on a specific goal that you want to achieve. That is how we motivate ourselves. But…

Many people decide after they hit a certain age to stop living with purpose. A friend of mine recently told me that since he has turned 50, he now is “winding things down.” He is focused solely on cleaning up his affairs. He can be a bit dramatic. However, don’t most people have that view…

In my kitchen, I have the following quote by Mother Teresa framed and hanging on the wall: The fruit of silence is prayer. The fruit of prayer is faith. The fruit of faith is love. The fruit of love is service. The fruit of service is peace. It is a beautiful quote. The part that…

Many of my friends are having milestone birthdays this year. Birthdays that end with a “zero.” These celebrations have made me think back to when I turned 40. That is a big birthday. It designates the midway point of life. Unfortunately, I spent that day alone. No cake. No cards. No party. And I remember…

Every day, we are in a battle against negative thinking.  We may be battling self-pity. Or jealousy. We may be fighting against frustration, anger, or a whole host of other negative thoughts. How do we combat these attacks on our minds? The only way to combat negative thinking is with gratitude. I know what you…

These days, it seems like we are more connected than ever.  We communicate constantly through texting, email and social media.  However, in spite of this constant communication, we grow more and more detached from one another. For instance, social media, does not allow for us to truly connect with one another. If I post something…

I have a secret about Mother’s Day which I’ve never told anyone, including my daughter. Fortunately, I can share it here because my daughter is a teenager and never reads my column (She recently pronounced my column to be too “middle-aged” for her. Oh my.). My secret is this: I really don’t feel like I…

If you’ve ever had kids, you’ve heard the familiar lament, “I’m bored!” Kids always say that to parents, as if boredom is a major tragedy. As mature adults, we are less melodramatic if we are bored. We don’t shout it from the rooftops when we are bored, and we certainly don’t expect anyone to solve…

As human beings, we struggle with attachment. We get attached to people, to objects and to lifestyles. We get attached to ideas, whether or not the are true. The problem is that our attachments end up controlling us. Let’s say that you become attached to a person. That person now controls you. If that person…

The truest thing that I have learned over the years is that your life won’t work unless you have a relationship with God. It doesn’t matter which approach you take to having a relationship with God. You can practice Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. The issue isn’t how you have a relationship with God. The…

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