Your Morning Cup of Inspiration

We all want to have great relationships. We want to get along with our family members. If we are married, we want to have a terrific relationship with our spouse. And we want to have meaningful friendships. But so often, our relationships are less than we want them to be. Part of the problem is…

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” – Seneca So often, we think that success is about getting that lucky break. And it is. One lucky break can propel you from an average life to the life of your dreams. But what we don’t realize is that “lucky” breaks aren’t the product of luck.…

So often, when we think about gifts, we think in material terms. We think about presents for Christmas or birthdays. We think about gifts of money in terms of loans, college tuitions, etc. And those gifts are all a good thing! We should be generous with our money. After all, our money technically is not…

It is human nature to avoid admitting our mistakes. We don’t want to be wrong. The problem is that when we don’t admit our mistakes, we can’t move on from them. How many people do you know who are in unhappy marriages because they don’t want to admit that they made a mistake when choosing…

We live in a world in which taking the high road is not valued. Even our president has tweeted, “When someone attacks me, I always attack back…except 100x more. This has nothing to do with a tirade but rather, a way of life!” Our culture values retaliation and vengeance. It is in our politics, our…

The notion of self-care gets a bad rap. Many people view self-care as the equivalent of selfishness. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Self-care, simply put, is the art of taking care of yourself. It involves taking care of your body by eating healthy food, exercising regularly and getting plenty of rest. Self-care…

Why is forgiveness so hard? We all know that we should forgive and forgive easily. Yet very few of us know how to do that. The challenge is that forgiveness does not come naturally to us. Our base instincts tell us not to forgive others. Why? Because holding a grudge is a form of self-preservation.…

Most of us think of the ministry as a profession. When we think of people who enter the ministry, we think of folks like pastors and rabbis. We may say that these jobs require a special “calling.” But let’s consider the verb, “to minister.” One definition is “to give service, care, or aid; attend as…

You are not on this earth by accident. No one is here by accident.  When God created each of us, He had a special purpose for our lives. The problem for every human being is to try to figure out why we are here. That is no small task! Fortunately, our special purpose, or destiny, is…

Our brains tend to focus on the negative. Why? Because, as human beings, we are problem solvers. So, our brains don’t focus on what is going well in our lives. Our brains focus on what is wrong so that we can figure out a solution. Then we move on to the next problem. There is…

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