
You are not on this earth by accident. No one is here by accident.  When God created each of us, He had a special purpose for our lives. The problem for every human being is to try to figure out why we are here. That is no small task!

Fortunately, our special purpose, or destiny, is like a magnet. It is something that we constantly are drawn toward throughout our lives. Unfortunately, because we are human, we make mistakes and get off course from our destiny. Or, other people make mistakes with our lives, and they deviate us from our destiny. But that pull toward our magnet never disappears.

Recently, I read a story about a baby girl who was found in a hotel room. Her parents were found dead in the room with her, apparently having overdosed on drugs. She survived for days in a room alone with her dead parents until someone came to do a welfare check.

That sounds like an inauspicious start to life, doesn’t it? But I know in my heart that God has a special purpose for that little girl’s life. Yes, her parents made the horrible mistake of killing themselves with their drug addiction. But that will not stop God from using her life for something wonderful – if she lets Him.

Mistakes are an inevitable part of life. But no mistake is too big for God to fix. He always will try to point you in the direction of your destiny, even if you get off course.

Sadly, many folks don’t work to achieve their destiny. Why? Some get stuck in the past. They think that their mistakes are so big that they are forever tainted by them. Or, they may think that they are too damaged by the mistakes of others to do anything meaningful with their lives. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

You may have heard of the preacher and author, Joyce Meyer. She teaches people how to live good, happy and productive lives by following the teachings in the Bible. She is incredibly popular and successful. What you may not know is that she was sexually abused by her father for many years as child.

Significantly, that tragic and horrifying experience has not stopped her from achieving God’s purpose for her life. Today, she has a far-reaching ministry that helps people all over the world. God uses her life to give hope to the hopeless.

There simply is no mistake that God cannot fix. He wants us to fulfill His purpose for our lives.  And He knows that, on occasion, we will go off course. He knows that sometimes other people will get us off course. That is to be expected. After all, we are fallible human beings. Our only job is to keep trying to get back on course whenever we deviate.

More importantly, God can use all the mistakes of our lives for good. My column is largely the product of mistakes I’ve either made, or the mistakes that I have observed others make. Without these mistakes, I would not have developed certain insights into the human condition. So, God can use any experience – good or bad – for our benefit, if we let Him.

Know that there is no mistake in your life that God cannot fix. No matter how far you have deviated off the path, He can get you back on track. All you need to do is commit your life to serving Him. Allow yourself to be the clay and let God to be the potter.  Then watch your life go in directions that you never could have imagined.

(Photo Courtesy of Pexels)


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