Your Morning Cup of Inspiration

Typically, when we think of legacies, we think of them in financial terms. A legacy is most often thought of as the money one leaves to a child, a loved one or an institution. But we need to think of our legacy in broader terms. When we think about our legacy, the questions we need…

It is very much in vogue to have a “gratitude practice.” We are supposed to have gratitude journals. We are encouraged to meditate on being grateful. And then there are an abundance of books and articles to read about gratitude. The problem is this: What does being grateful mean in practical terms? Let’s say that…

Prayer can be difficult. We would like to go to God as perfect, flawless people, but that isn’t possible. It is hard to go to God when we are each in some way damaged. Every one of us have been the victim of regrettable things done by others. And we each we have done regrettable…

So often, we pay attention to the wrong people. We give our attention to people who are rude to us. And then we waste our time mulling over why they were disrespectful toward us. Or we give our attention to people who don’t care for us. And we wonder what it is about us that…

Careers sometimes can stagnate. The enthusiasm with which you approached your first day of work fades. Soon your job becomes routine. And if you don’t continue to advance, your work life can feel like treading water rather than an invigorating swim. However, it can be hard to figure out how to take a career to…

This past week, Cindy McCain posted on Twitter a message that she had received from a stranger regarding her family. The message, besides being replete with profanity, contained cruel comments about her late husband and daughter. I am sure that the sender thought that she was being very bold to send that type of message…

Life before 40 typically is very exciting. We spend the first four decades of our lives getting an education, finding a significant other and establishing ourselves in a career. However, once we hit 40, life has settled down. And it is easy for our lives to become very routine. That in many ways is a…

Success does not occur without discipline. You cannot be highly successful in any endeavor without consistent, hard work. Of course, highly successful people make their success look easy. Last year, our family went to see James Galway, the famous flutist, perform. He made playing the flute seem effortless. But my daughter and I are both…

Have you ever gone to a wedding and thought, “I give this marriage 10 years – tops”? We all have. That is because some couples are obviously ill-suited. Even during the wedding ceremony, the handwriting is on the wall that their divorce is just a matter of time. Why do we all, at times, make…

Throughout the day, we all have to deal with normal, everyday stressful situations. That is just a natural part of life. Many of these situations are beyond our control. Your spouse might come home from work in a grouchy mood. Your children may behave badly (as children sometimes do!). Or bad weather unexpectedly may delay…

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