Your Daily Spiritual Stimulus

The excerpt below is taken from Marianne Williamson’s book, A Return to Love. It is one of the my favorite passages and I read it often as it serves as a constant reminder of what a blessing it is to just be alive and to have the opportunity to show up and express the light…

As a money coach, I often ask my clients to reflect on what they believe would make them happy. Although their answers vary, they frequently say “I’d be happy if I were rich.” Recently, it’s become clear to me that almost everyone has a different picture of what “being rich” looks like. While most people…

Today’s Money Coaching blog is for Connie who wrote in with the following money issues; “My name is Connie and I have a prayer need for myself and family. I recently lost my home of 15 years to foreclosure and if matters weren’t bad enough, I lost my job. I am still unemployed and need…

Earlier this week I wrote about Money & Spirituality and it ignited quite a conversation between my husband and I. My husband is a classic Creator-Artist, which in money coaching terms means he has a love-hate relationship with money and has some strong opinions about people who have too much money or what he considers…

It seems that everyone is giving financial advice these days. Even Rev Run Wisdom, star of the reality show  “Runs House” is sharing his advice on Twitter. Rev Run, who is also a minister, does have some sweet pearls of wisdom to offer. Here’s a couple of his recent posts: “Good morning. Your relationship with…

Dear God, We pray and ask for your love, light and guidance over the financial affairs of all your children.Forgive us our financial shortcomings,strengthen our courage and convictions in becomingmore personally and financially aware, responsible and enlightened.Help us to know the truth of our individual value whichexceeds anything we can ever hope to possess.Help us…

One of our Beliefnet readers wrote in last week expressing her concern about the amount of money that today’s spiritual leaders and Guru’s seem to make today. Here’s what she said: “I am a bit disillusioned by the apparent amount of money that is made by many people who are experts on different aspects of…

Today’s Money Coaching blog is in response to Danny who wrote in with the following situation: “It’s been just a couple of weeks since I was laid off but the pressure from my wife to do better is sometimes disheartening. I have made so many mistakes in the past that they are coming back to…

Years ago, I had a client who was in her 70’s who was widowed and had grown up during the depression. I just loved her…she lived very simply and frugally, yet was one of the happiest, most contented people I had ever met. She never used credit cards, her house was paid off, she had…

When we are challenged, personally and financially, it can be difficult to stay centered, calm and positively proactive. Yet, if we can’t make these necessary adjustments, our lives can begin to spiral into a downward cycle of negativity and defeat. One of the things I teach my clients is to actively listen to and guard…

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