Watchwoman on the Wall

This is the available 7-11 footage of Trayvon Martin buying Skittles and Ice Tea shortly before he attacked George Zimmerman and was killed by a single shot from Zimmerman’s gun.  Zimmerman claimed self-defense and was found “not guilty” of 2nd degree murder and/or manslaughter, sparking riots and mayhem in several large cities throughout the USA…

By Billy Hallowell | The Blaze – Fri, Jul 19, 2013 The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, president of the Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny (BOND), a conservative nonprofit, made some contentious statements on CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight” on Thursday. In addition to lambasting Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson for inserting race into Trayvon Martin’s death and…

By Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson Rachel Jeantel, the troubled young woman who was speaking on the phone to Trayvon Martin just before he was killed, testified in George Zimmerman’s second-degree murder trial that Martin called Zimmerman a “creepy a– cracka” before their violent confrontation. I’ve been warning for the past 23 years that black racism…

Inside Google HQ: What does the future hold for the company whose visionary plans include implanting a chip in our brains? :::::::::::::::::: Ian Burrell’s visit to the legendary “Googleplex” at Mountain View comes at an awkward time for the company :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The power of computing, and the thrill of its apparently infinite possibilities, has also…

Calvin’s Commentary: If every thing is absolutely true in the following article, then surely the black on black crime discussed below is a travesty of justice as Jesse Jackson declares. If every thing is absolutely true in the following article, then I agree with Jesse Jackson (not quite everything however, for example, his rhetoric about…

Calvin’s Commentary: The article below is most interesting concerning the topic, “Is obesity written in our genes?” Most assuredly, I believe it is.  I have found that the best way for people I have met and interacted with in my lifetime – those who truly struggle with a weight issue – to lose weight –…

Please note: I have not verified the statistics mentioned above; however, I do know that almost everyday in the local Cleveland news there is a black on black murder and it’s worse in Chicago, Detroit, New York City and other cities with high crime rates, so it would not astound me to find that 11,106…

by KTLA 5 Web Staff Moises Meraz-Espinoza walked into the Huntington Park Police Department two years ago to report a crime: He had killed his mother. Officers went to the Maywood apartment that the then-18-year-old factory worker shared with his mother, Amelia Espinoza, 42, and found a gruesome scene. A trail of blood led to…

Calvin’s Commentary: Two quickie heads up — Neither are about the following item of Jeantel saying Zimmerman was likely a gay rapist after Trayvon, but another important aspect about the Zimmerman jury who heard Rachel Jeantel’s testimony.  (1.)  Just in case you’re wondering why there was only one black woman on the jury of six,…

ZIMMERMAN TRIAL VERDICT UPDATE: CNN BREAKING NEWS – 10:42 pm – Four of the six jurors in the George Zimmerman trial issued a joint statement saying that Juror B37’s interview with CNN does not reflect their opinions.  “The death of a teenager weighed heavily on our hearts, but in the end we did what the…

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