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A couple of weeks ago, a memorial Mass for Michael was held here in Birmingham at the Cathedral. The bishop presided and offered a very nice, even charming homily in which he first focused on the Scripture readings of the day, and then turned to Michael, whom he remembered, among other things, as one who…

Why am I the only person I know..or even “know” in the Internet sense of “knowing”  – who didn’t hate it? I didn’t love it, either. There was a lot wrong with it. Weak characterization. Miscasting. Anvil-wielding mentally ill prophets. But here’s the thing. Whether or not Yates’ original novel intended it, whether or not…

No, I’m not going to ask you about your Lenten reading lists…although I might. Not today, though. This post is about giving books to others. For Lent, and a long time after that.

How about….because I’m lame and hate thinking up titles to things? No? Okay…how about…St. Benedict?

I don’t know about you, but one of effects of childbirth on me was a compulsion to spill the details. All of them. The whole thing was fascinating to me, so of course I assumed everyone else should be fascinated as well in the recounting of every minute of labor, describing the intensity of discomfort…

Many thanks for the kind comments so far. I am a little shaky on my feet here, which surprises me. I am not sure why. I am conscious of trying to strike the right balance. And, in other news that will surprise no one, what is most on my mind and in my heart is…

I’m changing blogging gears. Patience please, people. Life changes, right? Here you go – visit early and often, and bring your smart, insightful and sensible comments along…please!

Well, here we go again. Again. I should probably give a prize to those who have been reading my blogs since 2001 – you certainly deserve it. Yes, that’s “blogs.” In Between Naps, Open Book, Charlotte Was Both and now, in selling out to both The Man and the requirement, resolutely ignored before, to name…

…apparently not. March 1 in Birmingham… Yes, it snowed here last night and well into this morning. Was it predicted? I have no idea- I’d spent Thursday and Friday watching rain storms coming and arriving, and then slacked off the weather -watching which was Michael’s department anyway. (Once, early in our marriage, my father asked…

Around this time of year, conversations about sacrifice tend to increase, and in Catholic circles, we look that whole business of “offering it up” – that once common phrase and practice, not so frequently heard any longer. Unless you’re me over the past three and half weeks. You can find lots of articles discussing, justifying…

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