First, I’m sorry for blogging again about Harold Camping’s prophetic losing streak. I will try, very hard, not to do so again. For a while. But really, when it comes to self-proclaimed prophets, religious broadcaster Harold Camping may just be the Maxwell Smart of prognosticators. You know.“Get Smart,“ the classic TV sendup of espionage where…

Looking at the Occupy Wall Street crowd and its clones in cities nationwide, I understand the frustration over the economy in general – and sigh, deeply, at the movement’s lack of a unified message. But as diverse as the folks participating in these protests are, one strong, focused set of demands or proposals is a…

When you are raised in a fundamentalist, Pentecostal preacher’s home, there’s usually just no debate about it: Halloween is when the Devil runs amok, and real Christians have nothing to do with it. Well, at least that’s how it started for me as a kid. In retrospect, I believe it was more a reflection of…

Have you heard? Vampires are passe. Zombies? “They’re baaack.” (Shameless stolen phrase from the movie “Poltergeist,” there, with apologies for mixing horror literary references). Zombies, not unlike Harold Camping’s frequently uttered and revised predictions of The End, seem to be cyclical. Practitioners of Voodoo, or more specifically the dark side of that West African-originated religion,…

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