On Thursday, northern Utah was hit by a windstorm of historic proportions. Hurricane-force winds, topping 100 miles per hour, shredded the region, toppling semi-trailer rigs, ripping away roofing and tearing trees out by their roots. I got off the train two stops short to walk a few miles in the icy gusts, a mere 50-60…

Remember the brouhaha over whether President Obama was a secret Muslim in “born again” Christian clothing? You know . . . usually that allegation was made with the same vitriol that punctuated the whole “Birther” madness (i.e., he wasn’t really born in Hawaii, but Kenya, or became a citizen of Indonesia). It’s all baloney, but some…

I looked. It is, indeed, 2011. In fact, it’s nearly 2012. But if you think the blood of Christian martyrs was last shed in the Coliseum by the Roman Emperor Nero two millennia ago, you’d be wrong. Most of the apostles of Christ died for their faith in him. But that was so long ago,…

There was a time, many years ago now, when I used to watch Pat Robertson’s “700 Club” and think it was a pretty good program. It had inspiring stories of faith, outreach and emergency aid programs. It was an example of Christian activism in the community. It till offers those things, but at some point,…

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