Tushkateers, Devotees of Our Lady of Weight Loss, and those who found their way on this page via divine intervention (whether they know it or not), dig it:  Thanksgiving foods do not have to be dripping in sugar and fat.  True, a concept that doesn’t seem to have found its way to many a holiday…

We’ve all heard that it’s best to feel them—to fully experience them—rather than stuff them down, bury ‘em deep within.  We’re talking about #Emotions!!! Why?  Because when we suppress our feelings we are simply “trying” to be happy.  And we all know that “trying” doesn’t cut it.  As Yoda so wisely said, ” Do.  Or…

Q:  How amazing and magical is it when someone (a good friend, neighbor or even a relative) shows up at your front door with a bowl of somethin’ special that she (or he) has just whipped up to share with you–that is not only delish, but healthy as well? A:  Very amazing! 🙂 I am…

Question: Where are you? Answer:  Here Question:  What time is it? Answer:  Now Emotional eating is rooted in the “unpresent.”  If we could simply live in the moment, in the now, there would be no emotional eating.  When feeding an emotional, whether it is a happy or unhappy emotion, it is a sign that you…

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