President Barack Obama passed a key test Monday night in case anybody is worried that he is the Antichrist. Speaking at a campaign fundraiser at the House of Blues in Los Angeles, Obama was interrupted by a man identified as David Serrano who repeatedly yelled that “Jesus is God.” As Serrano was being physically removed by Secret Service agents, he accused Obama of being the Antichrist. That figure…

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, were a wake-up call from God, says the Rev. Billy Graham’s daughter, Anne Graham Lotz. She recalls how she was at home by herself on the day of the terrorist attack. “My daughter called and told me to turn on the TV. A plane had hit one of…

Gage Skidmore/
American culture is circling the drain faster and faster, but most of us are too caught up in the frenetic pace of our lives to notice the dramatic changes that have sent our country spinning out of control, says New York Times best-selling author Dr. David Jeremiah. “We live in a ‘cynical age of situational ethics,…

“In a forthcoming series of articles,” announces Huffington Post writer Andrea Stone,  “HuffPost is taking a close look at the charitable giving of Republican presidential candidates. How much and to whom did they give? How does their giving compare with their fellow Americans? And what impact did they ultimately have?” Oddly missing is any examination of candidates…

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