Oh My Stars

(Part One is HERE.) Let’s start off our look at the the year ahead with a planet that has been moving slowly and hovering in the background of everything: Neptune in Pisces, and the square it forms to Saturn in Sagittarius. Neptune is in the Sign that it rules, and is thus particularly powerful. Want…

Hello folks. Yes I’ve been away a while. Don’t worry: I’ll make it all up to you in the next week as I go over the astrology of 2015 in all its glorious detail. We will be covering the ongoing effects of the Uranus Pluto square, the Eclipses, and oh yes… Saturn in Sagittarius too.…

Once more unto the breach, attempting to make this month more fun than usual.  This time around, we’re going to take a poke at Pisces. And why not? They’re usually sweet and caring enough to let you away with it… if not to assume outright they’ve done something to deserve it. Now, an educational film…

Once more it is time to march bravely into the dark of December and lighten things up a little! What can be said about Aquarius that hasn’t already been said? “Man, that’s strange.” “Hey, what the heck IS that?” and of course the classic “We don’t take to your kind around here.” All those usual…

As part of my pledge to make December more fun (despite the Uranus Pluto Square and Saturn entering Sagittarius and such), it’s time to have a laugh with/at Capricorn.   Capricorn is, naturally, suspicious of such things. “Why do you find me a source of amusement, and what are you REALLY after?” Well, settle down…

I recently wrote about long-distance compatibility and how that can work out for the best. That, however, is not always the case… *** I have studied relationships most of my life, whether as a psych student or a counselor or a participant. In all that time I have never found a more efficient means to…

As part of my ongoing campaign to make the world a happier place this month, here is a less-than-reverent look at Sagittarius.    (Oh, don’t worry… there’s plenty of serious stuff to be covered in the next few weeks before the end of the year, believe me — Saturn alone is going to be worth…

Okay, I admit it: things have seemed a little bleak lately. Things haven’t exactly turned out the way I had hoped they would with some rather important events, and maybe not in your life either. And here we are, barely into December and we still have Saturn entering Sagittarius and another exact peak of The Uranus…

Astrologers sometimes struggle with a certain sense of fatalism. As much as we understand the role that Free Will plays in a person’s life, we know that we can never escape some of the conditions laid down by the birth chart and by transits to it. We know when to carry an umbrella, but we…

Last time, I wrote about a Scorpio with Taurus rising who is facing unusual marital circumstances (congratulations to the future and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Manson!). This time around I would like to talk about an infinitely more pleasant Scorpio with Taurus rising. (Which reminds me: if you’re getting into astrology and you see a…

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