Oh My Stars

AT writes: “I know you use whole house astrology (not sure on my terminology) and using it that way, my Mars would be in my 12th house, but if used the other way Mars is in my first, right? But Mars in Scorpio in my first house doesn’t seem right to me. So I don’t…

ARIES  “Hmph. Like we had any intention of turning back, anyway…” TAURUS  “Ah, we must be entering The Bakery District. Pull over!” GEMINI  “Let me drive. I can handle this one.” CANCER  (Sobbing) “No one helped me cross the street when I was a kid” LEO  “Remember when you used to do things like that…

Astrology, like any decent science or philosophy, answers a lot of questions and raises new ones. Yesterday’s mass shooting in San Bernardo has me asking even more new questions. As was the case with the rioting in Ferguson Missouri, we can see something was about to snap just by the inception date for the city…

Knowing when the Moon Void of Course is happening is probably the handiest of all the common astrological techniques. Learn it, make it work for you, and save yourself tons of unnecessary aggravation! Seriously: you want to see what REAL astrology can REALLY do? Start by learning about the Void of Course Moon and then…

I often complain about how the basic concepts of what each Sign is like often become clichés, and thus can eventually become worse than useless. Nonetheless, that never seems to stop me from using them in the service of getting a cheap laugh out of them. So in that spirit, here are greeting cards from The Twelve Signs.…

Today is the day that the Radical Astrological Liberation Front (RALF) has declared to be International All Hell Breaks Loose Day. Your orders are to resist assimilation by society and your social circle by using the power of Uranus, the Rebel Planet, to assert your individuality. As a matter of fact, you were probably already…

The single subject area I deal with the most when doing a reading for clients is relationships. Sure, family relationships and boss/co-worker relationships often come up, but there’s nothing like romance to send someone to consult with an astrologer. One of the more common situations people become concerned with in their love lives  is what…

Astrology is a complex field — as complex as the human hearts and events that it concerns itself with. What I practice is called “Western Astrology” (as opposed to Vedic or Chinese or Mesoamerican) and it is so full of various techniques that, quite frankly, I doubt that many astrologers are familiar with or use…

I (and many other commentators) out there have written about the Saturn-Neptune Square happening now, and how it is the source of many problems and obstacles and generally seems to be making a lot of things collapse. Saturn square Neptune naturally represents a time when hard work and order clash with belief and delusion, and…

You’d be surprised the things you can do with astrology. Sure you can figure out a person’s personality, past and future, romantic or employment potential, and so on. But there is a subset of astrology called Electional Astrology that can be incredibly useful. You see, if you want to plan a specific event, there are…

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