Oh My Stars

A New Moon is an excellent time to set your intentions for the coming month. This month, your intentions should include battening down the hatches and making sure you know where the lifeboat is kept. This New Moon will be a challenge for  many, extending its influence over the next couple of weeks (as New Moons do).…

 (This is a part of the “Astrology Of Love And Compatibility” series) AKA: The Bull, The Steady One, That Guy At The Buffet Line Taking All The Mashed Potatoes Ruling Planet: Venus, named for the ancient Goddess of Love and Luxury and Shiny Overpriced Accessories Identifying Features: A gentle nature unless repeatedly provoked; then, a…

 (This is a part of the “Astrology Of Love And Compatibility” series) AKA:The Ram, First Sign Of The Zodiac, That Guy Who Cut In Front Of You At The DMV Lineup Ruling Planet: Mars, named after the God of War. This might imply that Aries likes fighting, which is not the case at all. They’d…

(Full disclosure: As a human being since even before I was an astrologer, I may be prone to inherent biases in my interpretations… and I’ve always thought Kanye West was a loudmouthed jerk.) Previously, I looked at the symbolism of the Uranus-Pluto square through the lens of a fictional character: Walter White of “Breaking Bad.” This time, I will…

As soon as we emerge into the cold, overlit world outside of the womb, we are confronted by Others. Although we grow in sophistication and experience, many questions remain from that first moment of life on the outside. Questions like “who are these people?”, “what are they doing to me?” and “did no one notice…

In Part One (“Uranus And Pluto: Astrology In The Age Of Grumpy Cat“) we had a look at the one astrological transit that has defined the era we are currently in: the Uranus-Pluto Square of 2012-2015. As we saw, it’s had a pretty big influence on the shape of society and the course of modern…

Astrology doesn’t just guide and inform the lives of individuals. It also (via the Outer Planets) sways the course of an entire generation. If you’re old enough to recall the 1960s, you’ll recall a time when the entire world seemed to fall under a spell where everyone suddenly started expressing a strange urge called “individuality.”…

If you have a good look around Beliefnet, you’ll find a dizzying array of world-views — all very different, yet all connected by more than just their presence here. No matter what religion or philosophy we follow, we all bring one common certainty with us: that the Universe is more than just the sum of…

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