Oh My Stars

Is there ever a good time to be a Capricorn? Sure, it’s great to BE one: all solid and stable and hardworking like a solidly-engineered German car. But really, is it ever fun? Is the burden ever lightened for our Goaty friends? The transits in the next few months are not always going to be…

Would you like to lose weight as if by magic? Wouldn’t it be great to control your diabetes by adding more cupcakes to your diet? Would you love to save hundreds on car insurance with one quick phone call?  Yeah. Me too. Of course life almost never works out that way, and astrologically speaking, whenever…

I’ve been going over the major astrological events of 2014, and boy… what a powerhouse of potential and peril. And furthermore, the first warning shot is fired on New Year’s Day. January 1st features a New Moon in Capricorn. New Moons are often a good time to plan out what you’re doing and what you…

(Sometimes you’ll see astrological services advertised with the legally-mandatory disclaimer of “For Entertainment Purposes Only. This is one of those rare times when I heartily embrace that statement. Merry Christmas! Also, CLICK HERE to check out my article on The Star Of Bethlehem…) (No matter what transits are happening, how they play out in your…

BD writes: “How can your mental health be affected by your birth sign?  Can mental health problems be a life long problem for some as a result of their sign?” The short answer is: “Well, kind of.” At first, that may sound like a pretty inadequate answer for an art that has studied the Human…

There are a lot of people writing about the current controversy involving Phil Robertson’s suspension from his A&E reality series, Duck Dynasty, who are starting out with some variation of “I haven’t watched the show, but…” In order to be truly radical and different, I decided to watch it before writing about it. For the…

As I have written here before, the long and grinding Uranus-Pluto square is having a distinct effect on the world and on the unique pressures being brought to bear on its people. When it comes to larger societal effects, I’ve shown how it manifests in such diverse forms as “Grumpy Cat” and Breaking Bad. But…

Forget about Sun Signs. In astrology, the Sun represents the Ego, and although it is impossible to be in a relationship without each of you bringing one of those to the table, an Ego is by definition always at least partly incompatible with another Ego. Nonetheless, despite all the warnings, people continue to relate to…

(Part One is HERE, Part Two is HERE. Please read both carefully before you settle on what name you’d like to call me, because that’s what a scientist would do.) I’ve had a lot of responses to my two-part series, in which I complained about the poor quality of Critical Thinking presented in The James…

(This is a part of the “Astrology Of Love And Compatibility” series) LR asks: (after a reading about her relationship) So, how compatible are X and I? *** Astrology can be fantastically useful when it comes to describing how a person approaches life, and how the other people in your life see things.  Transits can…

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