(The following is a transcript of a recent conversation with my imaginary celebrity client George Lucas, creator of the Star Wars films. Unfortunately his side of the conversation didn’t record, but I’m hoping it can be spliced in later when I release the Special Edition of this blog with better effects.) *** Hi George! It’s…

There’s no special astrological significance to January 1st in and of itself, but since it’s the beginning of the year it’s usually the time when various writers bust out the “2016 Horoscope” for the Twelve Signs. If you’ve read my blog for a while, you’ll know that’s not my usual style: Sign-based forecasts can miss…

Charlie Sheen went on The Today Show this morning and announced to the world that he has the HIV virus. This case is particularly informative from an astrological perspective: so much so that I’m going to present this blog entry as a running commentary on the interview. *** Matt Lauer: You know there are a…

Isn’t celebrity astrology great? I could spend all my time talking about the transits my Uncle Fred was having once, but who would care? Whereas, if we can’t always relate to celebrities we at least know who they are (or can look them up quickly enough). That next door neighbor of mine who finally got…

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