Last time, I discussed the astrology of the major players in the recent Gawker media sex tape lawsuit, Hulk Hogan and Nick Denton. In both cases, there are questions about the birthday to available that would have made predicting the outcome of this lawsuit more difficult. This time I’m going to have a look at…

Astrology can predict the future, but it’s not easy. Not only can a birth chart sometimes be difficult to interpret, but the transits are no piece of cake either. Think of the worst day of your life, whenever that may have been. You may have actually had a couple of positive-looking transits at the time,…

(Part One, in which I discuss the Pluto Opposition of The Academy Awards, is HERE.) By now you’ve probably heard about the big Oscar boycott this year. I’m not here to venture an opinion on that – although I believe those protesting have a point. On Twitter and elsewhere, #oscarssowhite is just going to get…

Who was David Bowie? This is a question that even fans of his have struggled to answer, perhaps without ever really admitting it to themselves. Of course he was a huge rock star, of course he was an actor, and of course he was a great showman. But there was always a quality about him…

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