It should be obvious that any given year in human history is pivotal when it comes to the things that follow it. But I don’t think I’m engaging in too much hyperbole when I say that 20/20 is, in both astrological and global terms, going to be incredibly important.

First of all, the Saturn-Pluto conjunction is exactly in January. I’ve gotten a lot of mileage out of writing about that aspect, and the profound and dramatic things he is doing for many of us. But that story won’t exactly be over on January 12th, when it is exact. Both Jupiter and Neptune will be interacting with those points over the course of the next year, and that will be a large part of the story.

There are also five very significant Eclipses happening in 2019. Jupiter sextile Neptune will provide some surprises, and they could be very good ones if you know how to work with them. Saturn will enter Aquarius, then retrograde back into Capricorn, and then move on to Aquarius again in 2020. There will also be the usual planetary Sign changes and retrogrades… and wouldn’t be nice to get some advance warning about those, for once?

I will be covering it all here over the course of the next three weeks in my new series, The Astrology Of 2020. And yes, if you want a specific heads up as to how this is all going to affect you? Write me with your date, time, and place of birth — and I’ll have a look for you.

This year upcoming is going to be a particularly big one. A lot of people are going to be feeling like they’re sinking. I’ll be happy to walk you through it and tell you how you can avoid that from happening.

Bookmark this blog and keep coming back. You’ll thank me later!

Part One: The Saturn-Pluto conjunction.

Want to know how to work with the current and future energy to get maximum benefit? Feel free to write me about it!

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