(Wondering what 2020 holds in store for you? Write me with your date, time, and place of birth — and send you a free sneak preview!)

“‘In the end?’ Nothing ends, Adrian. Nothing ever ends.”
-Dr. Manhattan, Watchmen

The Saturn-Pluto conjunction that has been building all year becomes exact on January 12th at 22 degrees Capricorn. Since the Sun and Mercury (and Ceres, if you’re into asteroids) will also be within a degree of that point, you are likely to particularly feel it that week, if the Saturn-Pluto conjunction has been messing with (or supporting) anything in your chart for the last while.

This conjunction won’t happen again until the year 2053. But can we really say that it will be over on January 13th? Not really.

Pluto is a painfully slow planet, and it has been hovering between 15 and 22 degrees Capricorn since 2017. That certainly won’t magically vanish overnight. In fact, Pluto doesn’t get past 25 degrees Capricorn until early 2021. Meanwhile, Saturn carries on and leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius in March 2020, but makes a return visit to Capricorn between July and December.

So if you are one of those people who has felt the dramatic effects of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, you won’t be quite off the hook by the end of January. Regardless of what placements in your chart have been affected by this transit, those placements will continue to get visits from Pluto as well as other transiting planets in the next year.

if you’ve been paying close attention to the effect that the Saturn-Pluto conjunction has had on your birth chart, pay close attention to the following dates:

On January 10th, a Lunar Eclipse will be within a two degree opposition to Saturn and Pluto. Eclipses are a wild card, so things might really start busting loose starting then.

Jupiter in Capricorn will transit the degrees affected by the Saturn-Pluto conjunction March to May 2020, July-August 2020, and October-December 2020. If Saturn and Pluto have been doing good things for you, these could be times when you really reap the rewards. If not, that transit could add additional pressure.

Transiting Mars often serves as a trigger to set off events cause by larger and slower transits. Mars in Capricorn will conjunct Saturn and/or Pluto in March 2020. In the first half of June, Mars in Pisces may act as a soothing balm. The second half of July and first half of August, Mars in Aries will be more problematic… and (thanks to a retrograde) that annoyance will return in October.

The best news though? Neptune spends 2020 between 16-20 degrees Pisces (turning retrograde just short of 21 degrees Pisces in June. This will give us all a chance to regroup, rebuild, and regain some morale.

Want to know how to work with the current and future energy to get maximum benefit? Feel free to write me about it!

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