stop-1131143_640Learning how to leave an abusive relationship is not easy, as it often entails taking emotional and even physical risks before you can start a new life without being threatened or manipulated.

  1. Identify signs of an abusive relationship. An abusive relationship can be identified mentally or physically.  If your partner hits you, or threatens to use physical force on you, you will need to learn how you can leave an abusive relationship.  On the other hand, if you find your partner extremely controlling, or use verbal abuse to make you feel guilty and inferior, you should also think of ending the relationship as soon as possible. 
  2. Seek help. It is dangerous to directly confront a physically abusive partner.  However, to leave an abusive relationship, you cannot simply sit there and wait for everything to get better.  Seek help from people you trust, such as friends and family members.  You can also talk to social workers or healthcare professionals.  These people are trained to instruct you on how to leave an abusive relationship safely.
  3. Making arrangements. Leaving an abusive relationship may trigger the violence tendency in your partner.  As such, you should make certain arrangements beforehand to make sure that you will not be harmed.  First, put away your money, legal documents, medications, and all necessities.  Make sure that you will have a safe place to stay for an extended period of time.  Local domestic violent shelters can be a good option. To leave an abusive relationship requires not only courage and determination, it also requires tremendous effort in planning.  
  4. Aftermath. After you leave an abusive relationship, you may ask for referrals for attorneys who are specialized in domestic violence.  Legal professionals will utilize civil means to protect you from your abuser.  You may also choose to prosecute him/her if you have photograph or written evidence of the abuse.

Leaving an abusive relationship is no easy task, but it is a necessary step to take if you want to lead a happy life without any emotional or physical damage.

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