L’on peut me réduire à vivre sans bonheur, Mais non pas me résoudre à vivre sans honneur. I can be forced to live without happiness, But I will never consent to live without honor. Pierre Corneille At this moment, the armed wing of the US government is on a march of hypocrisy. The Pentagon brags about…

Les meilleures lois ne peuvent faire marcher une constitution en dépit des mœurs The best laws cannot make a constitution work in spite of morals Alexis de Tocqueville The dedicated student of politics and religion knows it is comedy to say the conservatives who attack Islam as a “terrorist religion” are somehow defending our civil liberties. There…

L’imagination est la reine du vrai, et le possible est une des provinces du vrai. Imagination is the queen of truth, and the possible is one of the provinces of truth. Charles Baudelaire It’s easy to mock dictatorships for being too sensitive and prone to censor information that incriminates them, but are our governments any…

By sealing our work with our blood, we may see at least the bright dawn of universal happiness. En scellant notre ouvrage de notre sang, nous puissions voir au moins briller l’aurore de la félicité universelle. Maximilien Robespierre Much of my attention this week has been on the unfolding civil rights calamity in the United States resulting from…

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