Je prononce à regret cette fatale vérité It is with regret that I pronounce a fatal truth Maximilien Robespierre The Snowden Files (Luke Harding) and No Place to Hide (Glen Greenwald), two leading books on a single subject: Edward Snowden. Of course, the difference between these two books is that one was written by Glen…

L’hypocrisie est un hommage que le vice rend à la vertu. Hypocrisy is an homage that vice pays to virtue. François de La Rochefoucauld I have just finished reviewing Luke Harding’s somewhat disputable 2014 book The Snowden Files, and I hope to tweet a link to the review soon. Russian propagandists? Oh wait, so am I.…

Le Mal est dans la chose même et le remède est violent. Il faut porter la cognée à la racine. The solution to evil is violent. We must take the hatchet to the root. Jean-Paul Marat The heads of the National Security Agency, NSA, and our somewhat derivative equivalent in Britain, General Communications HQ or GCHQ,…

By sealing our work with our blood, we may see at least the bright dawn of universal happiness. En scellant notre ouvrage de notre sang, nous puissions voir au moins briller l’aurore de la félicité universelle. Maximilien Robespierre Much of my attention this week has been on the unfolding civil rights calamity in the United States resulting from…

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