Lessons from a Recovering Doormat

Love isn’t a product, like shoes, or lemons. Yet people pleasers try to buy it with favors and being agreeable. I did whewn I was a DoorMat! And like many women, I was under the erroneous belief that if I catered to the needs of a guy I was dating, he’d want to stay. Women…

This is post 287 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to manifest your desires.. I do it every day! Read all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series to see how. I used to own a summer recreation program. While I had an…

I’m often asked why someone treats another friend with courtesy yet the same person treats him or her disrespectfully. Why? The other person’s behavior says they expect courtesy but their behavior allows disrespect. When you don’t stop someone from hurting you with insults or disrespectful behavior, they will keep doing it and think it’s OK.…

Today I’m thrilled to have my friend Dr. Tina Tessina back as my guest. She’s  the author of 13 books including It Ends With You: Grow Up and Out of Dysfunction (New Page); How to Be a Couple and Still Be Free (New Page); and Lovestyles: How to Celebrate Your Differences. She is CRO (Chief…

This is post 139 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to manifest your desires.. I do it every day! Read all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series to see how. If you’ve got the tools for using the Law of Attraction and…

I recently went to find new sandals online. I know the brand I love and did a search for them. I found a site that gave me a window of a variety of shoes for the brand I wanted. At the top of the page I was thrilled to see a message with a code…

Today my guest is Adam J. Scheiner, M.D., ian international Oculoplastic surgeon. Dr. Scheiner is world-renowned in laser eyelid and facial plastic surgery for his groundbreaking treatment for Festoons. He wrote the medical text on the condition and treated two complex causes of Festoons for the Dr. Oz and The Doctors TV shows. Today he discusses…

  People pleasers often let others think for them. You may not realize you’re doing it. You might tell a friend that you want to see a certain movie and get told you won’t like it. When you hear that all your enthusiasm for seeing the movie vanishes .Or you may get dressed and put…

Years ago I had a friend who had HUGE issues, but to him, everything was fine. His friends had given up on getting him into therapy. He insisted he could handle stuff himself. And he did, with lots of alcohol, erratic behavior, and sometimes treating people with disrespect. I eventually had to end our friendship.…

This is post 286 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to manifest your desires.. I do it every day! Read all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series to see how. I often hear people use the expression, “I’m all stressed out.” They’re…

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