Islam In America

Read a rabbi’s take on the ads placed in the New York City subway by the American Freedom Defense Initiative: The Sin of Sowing Hatred of Islam

The BBC reports from Iran that “over 30 universities have agreed to ban women from about 80 different degrees such as engineering, business, nuclear physics, and computer science”. Read about it here. “Iranian Nobel Peace Laureate Shirin Ebadi told the BBC that the restrictions have to do with the government’s aim to ‘restrict women’s access…

“THE alchemy of modern media works with amazing speed. Start with a cheesy anti-Muslim video that resembles a bad trailer for a Sacha Baron Cohen comedy. It becomes YouTube fuel for protest across the Islamic world and a pretext for killing American diplomats. That angry spasm begets an inflammatory Newsweek cover, “MUSLIM RAGE,” which in…

In The New York Times on 22 September, Nicholas D. Kristof asks, “why do parts of the Islamic world erupt in violence over insults to the Prophet Muhammad?” Read his conclusions here.

“The Muslim world cannot have it both ways. It cannot place Islam at the center of political life — and in extreme cases political violence — while at the same time declaring that the religion is off-limits to contestation and ridicule,” writes Roger Cohen in The New York Times. “Politics is a rough-and-tumble game.” Read…

Does anyone wonder why Islam is considered a repressive, positively medieval religion? Actions such as this: “Historic Baghdad Book Market Bulldozed”.

From a Western perspective, the violent rioting over something as innocuous as a poorly-dubbed, badly-acted, low-budget film (or, rather, just the YouTube posting of a trailer purporting to preview the film) is baffling. As the story has developed over the past week or so, it emerges that this film (“The Innocence of Islam”) was made…

“A provocative ad that equates Muslim radicals with savages is set to go up in the city’s subway system as violent protests over an anti-Islamic film ridiculing the Prophet Muhammad sweep over much of the Muslim world. “A conservative blogger who once headed a campaign against an Islamic center near the Sept. 11 terror attack…

“The anti-Islam video that set off attacks against American embassies and violent protests in the Muslim world was a convenient fuse for rage. Deeper forces are at work in those societies, riven by pent-up anger over a lack of jobs, economic stagnation and decades of repression by previous Arab governments.” Thus begins an editorial in…

Check out these great photos of “Muslim rage” and you’ll see what I mean: gives the “controversy” the seriousness it deserves.

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