“Glenn Beck has a theory about why Michele Bachmann is under investigation by the Office of Congressional Ethics, and it’s not because her 2012 presidential campaign allegedly committed campaign finance violations: It’s because the U.S. has been ‘infiltrated’ by ‘radical Islam’, and Bachmann got on the wrong side of it.” Read the rest here.

They were afraid Muslim men would use it to wash their feet! Read it all here: “Tennessee lawmakers upset by mop sink that could be for Muslim foot washing”

“Over the past year in San Francisco, the war over the popular conception of Islam has been continuously fought on the unlikeliest of battlefields–the sides of the city’s buses. “Purchased by the pro-Israeli American Freedom Defense Initiative, the most recent set of ads show inflammatory, anti-gay quotations from Muslims like controversial cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Iranian…

“Though, for the most part, the fringiest conservatives were shut out of [the Conservative Political Action Conference] CPAC this year, one unofficial panel hosted by Breitbart.com did not disappoint, bringing out “The Uninvited” anti-Islam activists for a panel on national security. Speaking to a packed room, Pamela Geller, Frank Gaffney, and former Attorney General Michael…

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