Inspiration Report

Non-profit organizations do wonderful work to help in so many ways. For some people, a non-profit organization provides a service that is like a pot of gold and a rainbow that follows life’s difficult storms. The Three, a website for women who aren’t kids, is inviting its audience to nominate and vote for their favorite…

It was a thrill to attend the Royal Premiere of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and experience Narnia behind the scenes. Hope you enjoyed our coverage! We were asked to hold off a while before posting reviews, closer to the opening day of the movie. Today, I am happy to recommend that you go…

Self-help books push building self-love but most people are still in short supply of it. It’s easy to encourage people to “love yourself” more and sounds good, except to those who don’t know how to start. With pressure to look and act perfect at an all time high, more people than ever don’t feel good…

Guest Blog by C.S. Lewis For more than 50 years The Chronicles of Narnia have captured hearts and imaginations. Just in time for the release of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, HarperOne published A Year with Aslan: Daily Reflections from The Chronicles of Narnia so readers can get a  daily does of Narnia inspiration…

The winter wonderland of the Voyage of the Dawn Treader Royal Premiere comes to life in this video. See the Queen, the stars and the snow in London on November 30.

According to my new special sources at Westminster Abbey, Kate Middleton will become Mrs. Prince Will at this altar. It is called the High Altar.   She will glide into the Abbey through these grand doors. Of course, there should not be snow there in April! Then she will walk down the aisle that many Kings…

I grabbed a cab over to Westminster Abbey yesterday with two media friends, after our day of interviews, press conferences, et al. It is the one place I most wanted to visit. A) Because I wanted to pray there and get a sense of the sacred and ancient energy of worship, coronations, weddings and burials. B) I had to…

Well folks, in London, it is five hours later than in my home town of New York. So I have been in a bit of an in between world for the past few days–doing all things Narnia on London time but keeping my watch on NY Time. As I head back to NY, I have…

Today was a very (VERY) exciting day! It was interview day. The premiere, the events, the planning… were all leading up to this day when media would speak directly to the stars about their views and experiences with the film. My morning began with hair and make up, in preparation for on-camera interviews for Beliefnet TV…

Here is an awesome tale of Narnia heard over a lovely dinner at an Indian restaurant hosted by Grace Hill Media. Paul Martin, founder of the fan website, aptly called, proposed to his beloved, Courtney, upon the Dawn Treader–on the set of Voyage of the Dawn Treader, in summer of 2009 in Australia. A long time mega…

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