Inspiration Report

Okay, no one has told me this officially, but there is a lot of talk that Her Majesty, the Queen England, will be in attendance with her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh. This will be a big premiere, in two theaters. It is said that when the Queen comes to a premiere, all the celebrities…

Just found out that a roundtable discussion with Douglas Gresham has been added to the Narnia press event in London. Yay! Found some fascinating interviews with Gresham, one of two stepsons of C.S. Lewis from Lewis’s marriage to Gresham’s mother, Joy Davidman. He is keeper of the C.S. Lewis Legacy and the force behind bringing…

Each year, Beliefnet presents the Most Inspiring Person of the Year Award to someone who has demonstrated extreme courage, forgiveness, compassion, or self-sacrifice amidst challenging circumstances. Beliefnet is currently accepting nominations for the Most Inspiring Person of 2010. Past winners have included the passengers and crew of Flight 93, Pat Tillman, and Randy Pausch. Last…

Inner Reflections, a beautiful 2011 Engagement Calendar, landed on my desk recently. It contains stunning artwork along with inspiring quotes from Paramahansa Yogananda. The quotes are so inspiring and the images come alive. Thanks to the Self-Realization Fellowship for sharing these: Credits for the images below: 2011 Inner Reflections Engagement Calendar, Self-Realization Fellowship, copyright ©…

Barbara Biziou is a national expert on every day rituals. She has a couple of fabulous books that focus on personal and family rituals and teach people how to evoke practical spirituality in their lives in ways that mesh well with their current lifestyle. The Joy of Ritual: Spiritual Recipes To Celebrate Milestones, Ease Transitions…

The newest Narnia film opens in theaters on December 9. It promises to be an inspiring and entertaining film, here in time fore the holidays. First the stars will walk the red carpet at a premiere fit for royalty on November 30. In Return to Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Lucy and Edmund…

The Charter for Compassion is a document that transcends religious, ideological, and national difference. Supported by leading thinkers from many traditions, the Charter inspires worldwide community-based acts of compassion. Here, Rainn Wilson narates a video about this inspiring project. For more information, or to add your name to The Charter for Compassion, visit

We’ve been following Emmy winning writer and producer Janette Barber’s work with “Smile Fix” and Medical Missions for Children. This is a group of doctors and nurses who travel to third world countries to help children living with conditions that their families are too poor to tend to. Repairing cleft palates is a big part…

Arielle Ford’s best-selling book, The Soulmate Secret: Manifest the Love of Your Life with the Law of Attraction, has helped thousands of people around the globe find true love since the debut in December 2008. It has been published in over 20 languages. Soon available in paperback, The Soulmate Secret contains a new preface, a…

Guest Blog By Melissa Blackmon   Remember the days when you and your significant other talked for hours about everything, from your favorite movie to what your children’s names would be?   Fast forward a few years and your biggest conversation of the day might have been a message saying: “Pick up milk…c u soon…LOL.”   …

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