Inspiration Report

The Telegraph is reporting that Austrian millionaire Karl Rabeder is giving away every penny of his millions after realizing his riches were making him unhappy. Rabeder says it was hard to give up the trappings of his luxurious lifestyle but he finally found the courage to do it. “More and more I heard the words: ‘Stop…

A miracle was reported from Haiti yesterday when workers cleaning up the wreckage of the market found a 28 year old man — alive.  He was dehydrated and malnourished, but did not appear to have major injuries, other than open injuries and infections in his feet. It is believed he may have been trapped since the January 12…

I got this adorable hoops and yoyo video over the weekend from a friend. It is an inspiring self-esteem booster so I wanted to share. In doing a little more research I discovered that “hoops&yoyo” (spelled in lower case) are animated characters featured on Hallmark cards. They have their own Facebook page and they are…

Whether you are still raising rug rats or your kids are fully grown, with kids of their own, we all have something to say about being a parent. NBC, Ron Howard and Brian Glazer just launched “The Parenthood Project,” a wonderful multimedia opportunity for parents from all walks of life to share our thoughts on…

Facing cancer and his own mortality, author Bruce Feiler decided to ask six men to play various roles in the lives of his daughters, representing different aspects of their father. Feiler, a former blogger for Beliefnet, offers an inspiring look into his new book, The Council of Dads (William Morris, due out in April 2010),…

It is difficult to consider anything related to child abuse as “good news” but the recent report stating that it is down by 26 percent is the best news we have had on that front for a while. Jeanne Sager of StrollerDerby reports on the recent study today: “Introduced in the fourth report of the National Incidence…

From the publisher of the Thin Threads, this video about a woman who found her greatest strenght through illness is so moving. Also, go to the site and see the promotional trailor for the Thin Threads series. So inspiring! View video here.

The mattress industry is trying to help out in Haiti and doing their part to aid displaced Haitians. With so many people injured, homeless and sleeping on the streets and random tent cities, this could be a blessing.   WorldBeds for Haitian Relief is a project now underway.   Mattress manufacturer Anatomic Global says it has…

Women so often feel like victims of their own health and lives. The truth is that we can take charge of our own well-being and do things to lower stress in our lives. I find that to be inspiring news! I came across an article this morning that offered 6 ways to keep your heart healthier,…

The most famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, saw his shadow this morning, which means another ornery six weeks of winter for the folks of Pennsylvania. But the folks of New York are happy as can be because Staten Island Chuck, of the Staten Island Zoo, did not see his shadow. In groundhog lore this fortells of…

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