It’s hard to admit shortcomings in any aspect of our lives. It’s even more challenging to face the fault in our relationships. It signifies the frightening possibility of surrendering to the potential demise of the complex relationships that sustain us when they do not drain us. There are a variety of ways to kick a…

I hate change. I am a creature of comfort. I love my family, the town I grew up in and I had zero desire to venture off to college. My mom had other plans. For me, that is. A spitfire of a New Yorker, she told me not only would I be going to college…

Not that long ago, I chat with my sister-in-law. To say my sister-in-law is a wonderful person would be an understatement. She’s all things good in this world. So I will give her the moniker of “Mary Tyler Moore.” She’s all sunshine and blue skies. “MTM” and I have a fair amount of similarities. I…

It is extremely common for people who are divorcing to feel embarrassed. However, it is not only unnecessary, but absolutely archaic. It is a frivolous shame that should not be indulged. It is perpetuated by the illusion that marriage is the preferred venue. This is a myth in many cases with really just a small…

The hard times in life demand both inspiration and spirituality. It is what anchors and sustains people through adversity. It provides the hope and the promise to soldier on from the valley to the peak as life often necessitates. The movie “The Secrets of the Keys,” will not disappoint anyone craving motivation to conquer hardship…

I walk through the grocery store. I grab a few things and I make my way to the express lane. My friend “Munkee” stands in line before me. “So, how are things going for you Colleen?” he asks. “You know what?” I say. “I’m good. Talking less and smiling more!” “Sounds like a bumper sticker,”…

My heart was so broken and empty after twenty some years of marriage that I didn’t think I would ever believe in trusting someone with it again. I am not saying that I am anywhere near that now, just that I am beginning to feel open to the possibility. One of the best lessons that…

I sit with friends in the coffee shop. We share a few really great laughs. I realize two things have magically returned to my life. A fairly, constant smile once again accompanies my face. A natural ‘joie de vivre’ is creeping back into my life. And… A sense of peace. I no longer feel hurt…

The people who love the best, are the ones who love themselves the most. A full heart is a generous heart. This Valentine’s Day, regardless of whether there is a significant other in the picture, each individual person owes it to themselves to center their life by loving themselves too. Here are DIY Fall in…

“I don’t know why work isn’t going the way it used to,” says my friend “Rosalita.” I think I know why. “God is trying to tell you that you deserve something better,” I say. You can work just as hard for someone who values you and pays you what you deserve. “Rosalita” needs to hear…

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