One of the greatest divorce challenges is re-entering the workforce for those individuals who chose to stay home and raise their children. In fact, it’s the reason I have penned and not yet finished one of my columns tentatively titled “Don’t Ever Call Me a SAHM.” Reading the following Harvard Business Review article recently posted on…

No, it’s not what you’re thinking. I’m not talking about financial loss. Anyone who has been through divorce realizes that money is just a tool that misdirected people use to control or punish someone in divorce. There’s a far greater cost. I always say, “It’s great if I like you – better if I respect…

I walk through the grocery store. I grab a few things and I make my way to the express lane. My friend “Munkee” stands in line before me. “So, how are things going for you Colleen?” he asks. “You know what?” I say. “I’m good. Talking less and smiling more!” “Sounds like a bumper sticker,”…

I am a bit nervous this morning. I am on the way to meet a friend. We have a few too many, obvious parallels and instead of feeling this is helpful, it makes me sad. I never, ever, want to see a heart hurt again. Let alone one that would never have the ability to…

I am out to lunch with my friends Anne and Jan. Jan has recently lost two people in her life. “I’ve lost my anchors,” she says. I feel her words deeply. There have been so many times these past several years that I have wished for my mom or my uncle who was like my…

I am sitting with my son while he shares some good news with me. “I am so proud of you,” I say “Thanks, but all I really care about is being a good person,” he says He stops me in my tracks. I mean this is all you hope for as a parent. That you…

I am in my car. I am lost in thought as I listen to Sara Evan’s song, “I Get A Little Bit Stronger.” It is a song that is an ode to healing little by little after a lost relationship. Today there are no tears like these songs usually drag out of me. It could…

I feel compelled to share this unbelievable video. It is prompted by the innocence and purity of love of a six year little old girl. I am so taken by the insight and words of this young child that I have actually highlighted below some of her most powerful quotes. Below that you will find…

I just read a quote on Pinterest. “When you refuse to hide your scars they become a lighthouse for someone else” – Jon Acuff I think people who are divorcing want to hide their scars more than most. There is somehow a ridiculously, undeserved shame to failing at marriage. In other aspects of life, failures…

My son is getting ready to go somewhere. I can see the visible heartache. I know what is bothering him. “Why do you care?” I say in exasperation. “If you peel back the layers. It’s one person. Only one person that is weighing you down. Every single other person believed in you. Why are you…

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