How Great Thou Part

As much as we talk about putting down our cell phones we seldom do. Technology has become a widely acceptable addiction.  Sexting aside, it has put a cramp in relationship intimacy. One that extends far beyond romantic liaisons and into our basic life relationships. The ones that establish the foundation of who we are, our…

When people hear my uncle was a priest they assume I led a life influenced by biblical formality. Nothing could be farther from the truth. My uncle was not a man to preach, that is of course unless he was standing on the altar. I like to say my uncle was an ordinary guy from…

Let’s be honest. Anyone who has experienced divorce will tell you there are triggers. Emotional arsenals to be exact. If you need a visual think firecracker stash accidentally meets flame. You get it. Boom. Spark. Boom. More Sparks. Firecrackers ignite. Sky implodes. I think it’s fairly easy to understand this phenomenon. Divorce is like grief.…

Not that long ago, I chat with my sister-in-law. To say my sister-in-law is a wonderful person would be an understatement. She’s all things good in this world. So I will give her the moniker of “Mary Tyler Moore.” She’s all sunshine and blue skies. “MTM” and I have a fair amount of similarities. I…

Let’s face it. Relationships are chock full of expectations. We enter them and wait for people to show us exactly how much they love us. Birthdays? They just amp it up. Consider them expectation on steroids. I remember in the early years of my marriage hearing a knock at my front door. I swing the door…

It was Bob Marley who said, “You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice.”  No one wants to determine the degree of courage they are capable of. It’s frightening to question the unknown depths of our strength. To face a journey we can’t fathom traveling. To stare down the…

I walk behind my chocolate lab, Hazel. Surprisingly, I notice her waddle is gone and her wiggle is back. Hazy is modeling the obvious rewards of her low carb, pre-measured food, and occasional veggie diet. Sadly, I can’t say the same for her doggie momma. “It’s a big day,” I think to myself (actually I…

It is early, at least for this morning resistant night owl. I enter the room of women. The candles which my friend has lit adding calm to the already relaxed vibe. I reposition the mat. I stretch towards ‘downward dog’ while peeking to make sure I am doing this thing called yoga correctly. It’s hard for…

Love is in the air. The birds are chirping. The sky is blue. The butterflies have taken residence. Make sure while hearts flutter, the feet are planted or in other words, grounded long after the butterflies flee the coop. Choose a person who centers their being around the following powerful foundational truths: 1. God comes…

I know a wise Catholic priest I like to call ‘Father Hope.’ I have told him this is how I refer to him because he is such a source of Catholic inspiration in my life. He is both a spiritual giant and a master storyteller. I turn the sound up on my computer and listen…

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