How Great Thou Part

I dabble in made up words, my very own divorce vocabulary.   Thus, I now experience what I refer to as Divorcemare’s.’  The scary type of boogeyman dreams which inhabit the sleeping (or should I say the restless) mind of a divorcee in waiting. Divorce is a breeding ground for things that go bump in the…

If I could paraphrase my divorce I would say it has brought me closer to God. I hear from Catholics who agonize over an action which is counter to our beliefs. Their pain so visceral it jumps towards me as I read the words before me on the computer screen. They implore me to explain…

Here are a few great Etsy shops to spread some Valentine’s Day love! *Always please note each Etsy shop and their location and time frame on deliverables as well as recent reviews. (Photo courtesy of Pexels) Follow me on Facebook…

Do you know someone divorcing a narcissist? If they answer is yes, do not tell them they are… Stuck in the past. Quite the contrary –  An individual who is divorcing a narcissist is far from ‘stuck in the past’ they are ‘stuck in the present.’ The typical individual comprehends divorce. They do not understand…

There is no better emotion than feeling loved. Love is the life charge that feeds our confidence, security, and happiness. Finding as many ways as possible to express it can only enrich our heart and our lives. Of course, we do spend time reminding those special people in our lives about love. We may whisper…

I once had a big dream.  To be a writer. My mother, on the other hand, believed writing was akin to acting. Business would be a far more sensible major. So off to college, I would go to learn the practical field of business. I remember sitting at my desk those first few days in…

I need a 12 step program for ‘long-texting.’ My friend who I like to refer to as ‘Oprah’ (again, names always changed to protect the innocent who hang out with me) recently told me as much. It went something along the lines that somehow during work she might not have time to read my novelesque…

There are a ton of unhappily married couples but seldom do you hear someone say, “Hey, I might give divorce a try. What’s it like? Can you tell me a little more about it? Do you think I could handle it?” Nah! That just doesn’t happen. Divorce is more frightening to the average individual than…

The other day, someone asked me… Why children will smile next to a parent who has repeatedly hurt them and behaved badly? They were voicing their obvious confusion.  I understood their logical take on the otherwise illogical topic of a love turned messy. As a child of divorce, I know certain truths.  If you had…

Okay, so no one chooses divorce.  It chooses you. It is a last resort. An ending to a story you wish was otherwise written. And you hold onto that ending for a long time. No one wants to leave a movie feeling like they could have written it better.  It is, after all, so much…

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