It is my Birthday and I have two articles due. I stop long enough to meet my brother for our traditional Birthday lunch. I return home and perch myself in front of my computer. Here’s the thing about leaving an article until the day it’s due – it makes it a LOT harder to write.…

I don’t remember a time not feeling incredibly loved while I was growing up. My mom made it clear we were her greatest joy in life. Birthday’s were just another reminder of that love. They were just another reason to show us that she believed we hung the moon. They were filled with family dinners…

I am out to lunch with my friends Anne and Jan. Jan has recently lost two people in her life. “I’ve lost my anchors,” she says. I feel her words deeply. There have been so many times these past several years that I have wished for my mom or my uncle who was like my…

I open the front door. Two of my high school bestie’s greet me while my chocolate lab Hazel jumps on them. I grab at her trying unsuccessfully to make her behave. I hug them both. We have had this night on the books for months. It is our attempt to finally get better about seeing…

I just read a quote on Pinterest. “When you refuse to hide your scars they become a lighthouse for someone else” – Jon Acuff I think people who are divorcing want to hide their scars more than most. There is somehow a ridiculously, undeserved shame to failing at marriage. In other aspects of life, failures…

My son is getting ready to go somewhere. I can see the visible heartache. I know what is bothering him. “Why do you care?” I say in exasperation. “If you peel back the layers. It’s one person. Only one person that is weighing you down. Every single other person believed in you. Why are you…

I am out with four of my girlfriends last night. Everyone is taking turns catching each other up in our lives. I joke about “going on my second husband field trip.” It is simply divorce humor since I am still not, yet divorced. Even more humorous because the truth is I can’t imagine dating again.…

I am watching America’s Got Talent. I have my laptop on my lap sifting through e-mails. It’s been a long day. No, today has been a very, very long day. A choir sings. They sound magnificent. The audience and judges love them. They interview the head of the choir and he says, “To God be…

A friend e-mailed me last week. Her angst springing forth from my computer. She feels judged by her family and friends. I often talk about judging from my perspective, only this time I speak to those who judge us. Many year’s ago, I was about to get upset with one of my children only I…

I jump out of the car. I fill my tank up with gas and make my way over to the nearby Starbucks. I’m in and out in a hurry. My Trenta green iced tea in hand. As I start to pull away, I spot my friend who I will call “LuLu.” “Lulu” is chatting away…

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