So the first two auditions from American Idol are over, and I have two questions: 1) Why is American Idol taking such advantage of the contestants’ tragedies? 2) Why do we need another judge? First, the contestants.

Well, knock me over with a pack of Testamints but apparently some of you didn’t get my “You might be a Christian music fan if…” post. Well, at least the Jonas Brothers/David Archuleta joke anyway. Most of you probably didn’t even read the rest, you got so riled up thinking I mocked the teen idols…

Reuters reported yesterday that William Balfour, the former brother-in-law of actress Jennifer Hudson, has been arrested for the murder of Hudson’s mother, brother and nephew. Balfour was in an Illinois prison on charges of parole violation for a previous attempted murder conviction. Police say he will be charged with the three murders. Hudson’s mother and…

This Sunday night, October 26, the Gospel Music Channel will debut the special, “Songs of Soul and Inspiration” to celebrate the 50th anniversary of AARP and honor the musical legacy of the African American church. The event, which was recorded live at the Philips Arena in Atlant this past June, was directed by Golden Globe,…

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