A note posted today on the American Idol Top 36 page notes that: “It has been determined that Joanna Pacitti is ineligible to continue in the competition. Felicia Barton has replaced Ms. Pacitti as part of the Top 36.” Billboard reports: “There’s been a decent amount of controversy surrounding Pacitti’s professional past, including not only…

The final night of Hollywood week found the contestants doing their face-to-face meetings with the judges (unfortunately, minus the elevator cam), with an added twist: some contestants had to sing again in a “sing off” between contestants. But before I get to that, I have to say one thing: Jamar Rogers went home! I’m in…

Last night was the final performances of season 8 of American Idol’s Hollywood Week auditions, and while the format was confusing – we started at the end and worked backwards – there’s only one thing that really matters: Tonight, we see if Tatiana Del Toro goes home. OK, so I don’t want to totally diss…

** UPDATED POST HERE: American Idol Contestants With Ties to Christian Music – Round 2 & Updates I hate to admit it, but I spent hours this weekend surfing the net to do a little research on some of the American Idol contestants that made it through last week’s Hollywood auditions to see which had…

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