I was checking out some of the Idol contestants today and came across Kristen McNamara’s MySpace and another site for an organization that she co-founded called L.A.U.G.H.: Love All Unconditionally Giving Hope.You’ll remember Kristen as part of the train wreck of emotions that included Nathaniel Marshall and Nancy Wilson during the group competition. While Nathaniel…

instereoSeason 8 American Idol contestant Ryan Johnson will perform tonight with his Christian band Instereo. The show will happen tonight at Grace Chapel of Praise, 621 S. Erie Highway in Hamilton, Ohio.Instereo drummer Terry Thurston told the publication that Ryan Johnson has made it through the next round of Hollywood auditions, which air next Tuesday.…

I know that we haven’t had a chance to really get to know all of the contestants in this year’s American Idol competition, but something at last night’s group auditions struck me: some of the people praying and thanking Jesus were acting like completely self-absorbed jerks.

I just wanted to take a minute to clarify – and apologize – if my Phil Stacey post came off as critical. I got a comment from CFPhilfan made me go back and reread the post, and he/she is right: I was the one who jumped the gun. I had been talking to someone recently…

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