
Consumer debt is like a cancer.  Consumer debt is like termites. They are working their pain beyond the notice of the outside world. While they eat away at the infrastructure of our bodies and homes, we often go about life unaware. I sat with friends recently who received the news they have cancer.  They were devastated.  Crushed. “How…

2) What Happens When We Don’t Obey First. In the Bible is a true story of parents who “trained” their son to obey last. They trained him to be selfish, demanding, and self-centered. His name was Samson. You may remember him from Bible stories as the man who tore open a bear, had long hair,…

There is a difference between a “group project” and helping one another out.   As an honor student in high school, I was often asked by my teacher to help out a student struggling in class with a particular concept. I was always thrilled to be generous with my time to help someone else improve and…

I read  a fascinating article about how Christ’s liberty, the Gospel, and the Four Spiritual Laws began the peaceful revolution against communion in Poland.  This underground and peaceful revolution undermined the lies of socialism, communism, and Marxism.  While the Gospel is always about and inside our CONVERSION bringing liberty, socialism and its counterparts are always…

“Karl Marx was angry, hate-filled, quarrelsome, neglectful of his family, lazy, and violent. He suffered from hideous carbuncles in part because he almost never bathed. He spent almost all his time at home or in libraries, and almost none where the workers he fumed about actually worked. He mooched off of others all his life,…

There are two skills that every child MUST develop and be trained in. They must learn how to APPEAL and SURRENDER well.  Last week, we talked about how to “yield” to authority, and how to teach our kids to respect authority. But our kids also need to be taught and modeled how to APPEAL authority.…

Proverbs 31 lays out how economics work for a family or a nation.  Our Proverbs 31 woman produces, profits, and has savings.  From her savings, she invests in new vineyards, hires new workers, and gives generously to the poor. These steps are simple, but fundamental. Produce—- Profit—-Saving—-Invest. The opposite of this is when the government…

Baptism is a celebration of God’s work as the cosmic lifeguard.   Baptism is a public chance to thank God for rescuing us from drowning in our own self-centered lives. A writer of the Psalms said it this way: Psalms 130 O Israel, hope in the Lord; For with the Lord there is mercy, And…

The average divorce process requires multiple years and costs from several hundred on up to several thousand dollars. There are additional costs as well.  The new costs of a new rental or mortgage payment for a separated spouse as well as new alimony and/or child support payments now and later. If divorce is on the horizon,…

My daughter and son have both done some acting. Nothing big, but a few commercials. They’ve been learning how to be teachable, take direction, and earn money. My son is twelve and my daughter is fourteen. They are both learning how to make money, save money, and give money away. Every time they bring home…

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