The headline we’ll never see; “Harold Camping was Right! Judgment Day occurred on May 21, 2011” Many people have focused on Camping’s errors -which is understandable since there are so many to choose from. However, I’d like to focus on what he might have correct. Now looking for where he is right is like…

I too am one of the many people who chuckled at news stories about Harold Camping’s prediction that the world was going to end on May 21st.  As a Bible believer, it was clear that his predictions were more science fiction meets Beautiful Mind than anything Biblical or historical.  I was shocked that educated people…

Today was a long day. It began with a phone call to a father who sobbed over the phone as we disguised final funeral arrangements. His 17 year old son passed away a few days earlier. I met Mitch back in January when he started attending our church. He wanted the Bible’s answers to tough…

Remember Scrooge McDuck swimming in his vault of gold coins. It’s easy to demonize Mr McDuck and his lack of generosity, instead of looking in the mirror at the Scrooge in your own heart. By this time tomorrow, 187,000 meals will be on their way to feed starving children in the Phillipines. I watched the…

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