I read  a fascinating article about how Christ’s liberty, the Gospel, and the Four Spiritual Laws began the peaceful revolution against communion in Poland.  This underground and peaceful revolution undermined the lies of socialism, communism, and Marxism.  While the Gospel is always about and inside our CONVERSION bringing liberty, socialism and its counterparts are always…

Baptism is a celebration of God’s work as the cosmic lifeguard.   Baptism is a public chance to thank God for rescuing us from drowning in our own self-centered lives. A writer of the Psalms said it this way: Psalms 130 O Israel, hope in the Lord; For with the Lord there is mercy, And…

There was a man whose father was Nate Saint. He was a Christian and a famous martyr who died when his son was young by a group of natives in Ecuador who murdered him.  His wife went back into that village with her son and told the people who murdered her husband about God’s love…

II. Modify Your Parenting Bend Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6) Train Up by Stimulating Natural Instincts The Hebrew word hanakh means “to dedicate” or “to consecrate.” It’s used only four times in the Old Testament, three times…

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