
The Bible describes two types of knowledge or truth: General Revelation and Specific Revelation. General Revelation are the observable truths that can be noted by anyone and everyone from observing the world around us. All truth is God’s truth and can be studied and observed in the physical sciences, psychological studies, the wonders of astronomy,…

Will-E Coyote had incentive: a Roadrunner Stew, but he never had to face the consequences of falling off that cliff. Sure, he’d fall 100 stories and a puff of air would replace his outline; but in the next scene he was fine. He never learned to reap what he sowed (Galatians 6:8). The cartoonists rescued…

The Bible teaches us alot about money and making good financial decisions. One of my favorite theologians is Greg Brady. 🙂 I learned Latin for the first time on the Brady Bunch: “Caveat emptor” meaning “Let the buyer beware”. I learned some more while watching Robin Williams in Dead Poet’s Society: “Carpe Diem.”    We…

Inscribed on the Liberty Bell are the words of Leviticus 25:10: “Proclaim liberty to all the inhabitants of the land.” This phrase was a reminder that what brought prosperity to our history and nation is God’s commandment to teach and build a society on freedom. Christianity and the teachings of the Bible have been the…

The Bible supports free market capitalism for a variety of reasons. 1) Free market capitalism requires the voluntary exchange of goods and services. Therefore, Freedom is the fuel for the system.  Someone must freely choose to buy your product forcing you to put their needs ahead of your own by setting a price and quality…

Here’s a video on “Money, Greed and Spiritual Lies” “Where’s the Beef?” says the old woman as she pulls up the hamburger bun. “Where’s America’s Savings?” says the economist looking at US trends. Why aren’t we saving more? Why do we spend more than we make? Why are we worried and talking about May 21…

My father was a clown in college. A very talented juggler in the Gamma Phi Circus at Illinois State University.  I followed in the clowning tradition on a mission trip in high school.  I took up the family tradition as a magician, a juggler, and a balloon artist. As a former clown -although my wife…

Biblical teaching about economics goes deep into our heart. The Bible says that until we place God at the center of our lives, and acknowledge that He is the source of our approval and identity, we will constantly be chasing things that only bring discontentment. This “Why Question” is at the heart of it. Jesus…

The Bible tells us to plan for the unexpected.   The Bible admonishes us NOT to presume upon tomorrow. James speaks to the challenges of business with these words: James 4:13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and…

Last week it was reports that 8 of 10 college graduates will come home to live with mom and dad.  Summer unemployment for teenagers and summer workers was up to 25%. How do we help prepare our kids for the new reality of the work force? 1. Start Job Experience Early My son began his…

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