
Barack Obama’s out with a new pro-choice ad that’s airing in at least seven swing states. Politico reports that the spit is the first major abortion-related ad from either side in the general election. Though Obama made big news this year for coming out in favor of some abortion restrictions and for his party’s new…

Focus on the Family Action sent this around to supporters just before last night’s Palin’s speech: Dr. Dobson: ‘If I Went into the Polling Booth Today, I Would Pull the Lever for John McCain’ ….”A genuine reformer. A deeply committed Christian.” That’s how Dr. James Dobson, founder and chairman of Focus on the Family Action,…

The two speakers at tonight’s convention who will vie to lead the GOP in 2012, should John McCain fail this year, are Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee. What’s the biggest difference between those two candidates and McCain? It’s that Romney and Huckabee campaigned as pro-family candidates, painstakingly wooing the Christian Right, while McCain has ignored…

The New York Times reported this morning that the McCain campaign recently requested a meeting with Focus on the Family founder James Dobson. ‘In July, when James C. Dobson, the influential founder of Focus on the Family, said on his radio broadcast that he, too, might drop his staunch opposition to a McCain presidency, campaign…

John McCain’ nomination for president once represented the waning of the Christian Right after the high watermark of its influence in 2004. Then Sarah Palin, a darling of the movement, became John McCain’s veep pick. The movement seemed to have some influence left after all. And the AP reports a mostly overlooked story about the…

Challenging her biographer’s claims that Sarah Palin hasn’t brought faith and values issues into her political campaigning to date, The New York Times reports that Palin campaigned as a Christian candidate even while running for mayor of Wasilla: The traditional turning points that had decided municipal elections in this town of less than 7,000 people…

There’s been lots of confusion and questions about Sarah Palin’s faith life since John McCain picked her as his running mate last Friday. God-o-Meter caught up with Kaylene Johnson, author of the new book Sarah: How a Hockey Mom Turned Alaska’s Political Establishment on Its Ear to set the record straight. An important note: Johnson’s…

So you thought the Democratic National Convention was Christian, with its kickoff interfaith gathering, its caucuses for people of faith, and its closing benediction by an evangelical church megachurch pastor, was drenched in faith? You ain’t seen nothing yet. God-o-Meter tuned into the Republican National Convention tonight for a random hour–on C-SPAN, where the absence…

It now appears that John McCain is zealously courting the Christian Right. The latest sign: he and Sarah Palin have scheduled a rally in Colorado Springs, CO, capital of the evangelical universe, for this Saturday. and/but: God-o-Meter spoke to a McCain aide a couple weeks ago and learned that the campaign was planning to launch…

Bob Herbert writes this about Sarah Palin in today’s today’s New York Times: Here’s the deal: Palin is the latest G.O.P. distraction. She’s meant to shift attention away from the real issue of this campaign — the awful state of the nation after eight years of Republican rule. The Republicans are brilliant at distractions. Willie…

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