
God-o-Meter has learned that the Obama campaign is about to email religious supporters an annoucnement about a new line of Obama faith merchandise–bumper stickers, buttons, and signs with three different messages, featured here–along with the following note: Dear friends, Great news! We now have faith merchandise available for you to show your support for Barack…

God-o-Meter has won the 2008 Online Journalism Award for Commentary (not quite an Oscar, pictured) in the large web site category. Competition was stiff. The other finalists were New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof and Houston Chronicle editorial cartoonist Nick Anderson. Both those guys have won Pulitzers. For more information on the other winners, click here…

      On Meet The Press yesterday, Tom Brokaw asked Rudy Giuliani yesterday about whether he was too hard on Barack Obama’s community organizer roots, holding up a pin that reads “Jesus Christ was a Community Organizer. Pontius Pilot was a Governor.” Ever notice that though Democrats have traditionally been more reluctant than Republicans to…

How is possible for Sarah Palin appealing to the Christian Right and independent voters at the same time? Check out the final installment of her Charlie Gibson interview. GIBSON: Roe v. Wade, do you think it should be reversed? PALIN: I think it should and I think that states should be able to decide that…

John McCain is out with a new ad pledging more federal dollars or stem cell research: ANNCR: They’re the original mavericks. Leaders. Reformers. Fighting for real change. John McCain will lead his Congressional allies to improve America’s health. Stem cell research to unlock the mystery of cancer, diabetes, heart disease. Stem cell research to help…

Sarah Palin and Rick Warren are chatting by phone, though it’s unclear who initiatived. Warren seems less happy than ever with Obama, while still claiming to be above partisan politics.

In Florida, long a hotbed for evangelical/Christian Right activity, the Miami Herald reports Barack Obama’s evangelical outreach is running into some roadblocks: When two prominent evangelical Christians from Florida agreed to speak at the Democratic National Convention, the party proudly pointed to Barack Obama’s aggressive outreach to a traditionally Republican voting bloc. But one, a…

By way of Spiritual Politics, God-o-Meter learns that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops has released a statement criticizing Joe Biden for his comments around abortion on Sunday’s Meet the Press, when he said that the question of when life begins is a “personal and private matter” and that, for him, it began at conception.…

FactCheck.org has posted this list of the false rumors targetting Sarah Palin. Notice how many have a religious tie-in: Palin did not cut funding for special needs education in Alaska by 62 percent. She didn’t cut it at all. In fact, she tripled per-pupil funding over just three years. That sham accusation seeks to undermind…

God-o-Meter’s been taken by the Family Research Council’s insistence that the McCain campaign forcefully defend Sarah Palin’s faith in the face of the scrutiny it’s received as of late. GOM first noticed this yesterday and last night Family Research Council Action led its daily e-briefing with an appeal to the McCain campaign to allege religious…

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