
On the eve of John McCain’s running mate announcement, a new Washington Post poll shows the trouble pro-choice running mate would bring: Choosing Lieberman or someone else who supports abortion rights, such as former Pennsylvania governor Tom Ridge, would be risky for a candidate who has worked hard to rally conservatives to his side, according…

Bob Casey Jr. didn’t devote much of his primetime convention speech last night to abortion (he told God-o-Meter as much before taking the stage) but he did mention it: Barack Obama and I have an honest disagreement on the issue of abortion. But the fact that I’m speaking here tonight is testament to Barack’s ability…

When Democratic National Convention officials say they’re pressing this year’s speakers to stress their character and values–which includes their faith–over their political accomplishments and policy positions, this is what they mean: My grandparents were immigrants who came to Montana with nothing more than the clothes on their back, high hopes and faith in God. My…

Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey Jr’s landing a prime time speaking slot at the Democratic convention is another step in the party’s campaign to burnish its image among pro-lifers. Casey’s dad, then-Pennsylvania Governor Robert Casey, was famously denied a speaking role at the 1992 Democratic convention because of his pro-life views. Casey Jr. called God-o-Meter to…

Here’s video of Blue Like Jazz author Don Miller’s Benediction from the first night of the Democratic National Convention:To God-o-Meter, the most noteworthy part of the video is how intently the convention audience is following the benediction, many with heads bowed. This crowd seemed more checked out during some of the evening’s earlier speakers. God-o-Meter…

Yesterday, God-o-Meter reported that the primary way the Democratic convention would showcase its new faith and values friendly message was through primetime speeches that emphasize what animates Democrats rather than their policy positions. The press release about Michelle Obama’s speech tonight is a good example of that strategy in action. A few excerpts: Denver, CO…

First conservative Catholic interest groups attacked Joe Biden for being insufficiently Catholic on the abortion question. That was the first parallel to John Kerry’s experience as a Catholic candidate in 2004. Religion News Service reports that at least one Catholic archbishop is joining the fray: …shortly after Biden was picked, Archbishop Charles Chaput [pictured] of…

It wasn’t when he said that life begins at conception without skipping a beat.It wasn’t when he said that marriage should be limited to one man and one woman.It wasn’t even when he answered the question about which Supreme Court appointment he’d rescind by naming all four moderate to liberal justices.No, the high point for…

Steve Waldman notes that the attacks on Joe Biden’s Catholic bona fides came fast and furious after he was named Obama’s running mate on Saturday. But there’s little doubt that Biden’s Catholicism was a major factor in Obama’s decision to pick him. A well-placed source close to the campaign tells God-o-Meter that “the fact that…

God-o-Meter sat down with Fresh Air’s Terry Gross for a long interview that airs today. Listen to it here.

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