A Fear of Whales

Christians are against abortion, gay marriage, and evolution. Against the continuing decay of moral values, and the increased need to be “PC” at the expense of frank honesty. We’re against socialism, communism, fascism, and liberalism. We disagree with postmodernism, nihilism, materialism and probably existentialism (though we’re not exactly sure what that last one is) We…

I want to talk a bit about some f***ing profanity. I feel strange doing it. I find myself asking “Really? This is the most important thing to talk about right now?” But I honestly think it is. Not as an end in and of itself, but as a means to an end. There are some…

If you follow the blog and have been reading along you’ll have heard all about how our behavior as Christians mimics Zombies in the sense that we both don’t mean any harm as we mindlessly attempt to assimilate people. And if you care about the church, it may be that in reading, you’ve started to…

All Last Week I’ve been talking about zombies. And i wonder if some of you aren’t wondering if I’ve been a bit melodramatic. “Ryan” you might be thinking “I’m sorry you’ve run into a couple people who seem to want to eat your brains, And surely that’s a bad thing. but this problem can’t possibly…

Yesterday I rhetorically asked “what gives?” regarding the anti-intellectuality of many Christians today I want to take a shot at answering my own question. Why do we, as a people group, fear logic and reason? Why do we clip verses out of context and put undue emphasis on them that diminish the importance of sources…

Yesterday I wrote about a rising tide in Christianity that resembles the behavior of Zombies. many Christians think that doubt, rationality, and booksmarts are all worldly, and by extension “bad” And they want you to join them in this level of thoughtlessness. “Just trust Jesus, and let go of everything that gets in the way…

Johnathan Coulton sings a song about a polite Zombie. The chorus goes All we want to do is eat your brains, We’re not unreasonable, I mean noone’s gonna eat your eyes! All We Want to do is eat your brains We’re at an impasse here, Maybe we should compromise… Something about that song reminds me…

So I have a confession. I’ve been watching the show “Reaper” on The CW. I know, I know, guys like me aren’t supposed to watch formulaic pulp comedies like Reaper, We’re supposed to be reading stuff and watching NOVA reruns… I do that to, but I’m a sucker for anything theological and Reaper is about…

One popular mantra in christianity today is "What if Jesus really meant that" It's a powerful question, when applied tho things like "Sell all you have and give to the poor" or "Judge not lest ye be judged" or "early in the morning while it was still dark Jesus went to a quiet place and…

I had no idea, not the vaguest hint, yesterday morning as I woke up, I would be saying goodbye to my 1995 Toyota 4Runner I had been worried about a sore throat that I felt was coming on, which would interfere with my ability to engage at the meeting I was headed to in Lawrence.…

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