A Fear of Whales

I’m just going to come right out and say it. Mark Driscoll can be pedantic at times. But not nearly so much as his followers. This has never been so obvious as with the distinction between “Emerging” and “Emergent.”  Driscoll has drawn a massive cultural distinction about a group that dislikes categorization between a difference…

If God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life (and I believe he does) Then what is it? It seems to me that the same comfortable North American Christians who like that wording, are the same people who are least likely to actually have anything going in their faith (with the possible…

I suspect you are a Christian. You have probably been a believer for quite some time – 10 to 15 years at least. Do you have to have called yourself a Christian for that long in order to want to read about missionaries? About a missionary challenging all sorts of preconceptions? I think so. Otherwise you would just read Squire…

It’s the kind of question that gets asked again every year? So why do we color eggs to celebrate the resurrection of the LORD? I used to pester my mom with this sort of question all the time when I was growing up! But Now that I’m grown I’ve learned to do the research for…

Well it’s a Jonah reference. Obviously. But it’s more than that. C.S. Lewis identified himself as “The Most Reluctant Convert,” which is an idea I could relate to, except that I was never really converted (of if I was, it happened before I could talk) My father was a pastor, and during my early childhood…

Welcome, welcome all Beliefnet readers. It’s great to have you here. As you can see this is not the first blog post I’ve written. it’s just the first I’ve written HERE. I’ve had a grand total of 5 hosts so far. Hopefully this one will last, at least for a good long while! I thought…

Whoops, There was a problem with this post! Maybe you’d rather read something else – such as Why do we color Easter eggs?

Beliefnet is delighted to bring you the clever observations of Ryan Gaffney, a campus minister at the University of Kansas.  Like Jonah in the Bible, he’s not particularly frightened by big fish, but like you and me has to deal with that fear that grips us when God puts a burden on our hearts … and we…

I don’t know why, but over the history of this Blog, my articles dating and relationships have consistently gotten the most attention. I’ve had other articles which I thought were better or more interesting, I’ve had articles that were more controversial, I’ve had articles about zombies, but even the most popular among them rarely get…

There is a delightfully geeky young girl I know who left a status on facebook several months ago which I took note of. It has persisted in my memory as one of my all time favorite status updates. It said: “I want to go where the TARDIS is going” I don’t think she realized when…

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