A Fear of Whales

What do you know about Islam?   You know the mane of their prophet, and their holy book right? Do you know what the central tenants of their faith are? (hint: there are 5 of them) If you’re like most Americans your knowledge about Islam probably drops off after that, and You’ll start talking about…

It seems to be a common problem in Christendom that we feel like we are stuck waiting. It’s not a problem I am at all unfamiliar with At one point in my life I was waiting for a church to hire me as a Youth Director. I remember recounting to a friend that my call…

Introduction Games are just a fact of life when you meet as many new people as regularly as I do. It seems like just about every month I’m in a new circle telling people my name rank and serial number, along with what my dream car is, or what major I had, or what my…

I had a friend back in California who’s mother was completely opposed to the consumption of dairy products. her father on the other hand was more lenient on the subject, and it was a significant childhood memory for her that her dad would occasionally sneak her out and get ice cream at thrifty. Before they…

I’d like to show you a video of a young theologian expressing her thoughts on biblical womanhood. . All jokes aside I think the fact that this is funny to us illustrates an intriguing point about the normal desires for woman and how they are being changed. I can’t say I disagree with her. Heck…

I hijacked a term in my previous post in order to make a point about how sucky and lame evil is. The words “Banality of Evil” come originally from Hannah Arendt. “Banal” means trivial or common. So I first used the term to point out how unspectacular evil is. But for Hannah it goes deeper…

It’s common, when telling stories about good versus evil to try to make good sound extra special heroic. We want the good guys, whoever they are to seem to have overcome ridiculous odds, because after all a little good can obliterate lots of evil if it needs to, and that’s awesome for good. This does…

In case you needed a reminder that our battle is not against flesh and blood…

After camp I drove a couple of my students back home to Kansas. It was good to have the time with the three of them to engage and hear about camp from their perspective. As a ministry we always try to include as much as we can from various cultural traditions, Kimchi at snack time,…

There is a cult down in Vista California called the Twelve Tribes that I went and visited some time ago. You should know I don’t use that term lightly. When I say “cult” I don’t mean “people who believe differently from me”, or “people who appear christian but aren’t”. What I mean is that they…

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