A Fear of Whales

Back in California I once took a bike trip down the coast with a buddy. We stayed in campsites at night and sampled the local food along the way. I can't express the exhilaration one feels when they are on a bicycle miles from anything familiar, surrounded by sea cliffs, and coasting down a steep…

It’s a question as old as time itself. No, actually it’s medieval in origin — dating to around the 12th century: Could God create a boulder so heavy that he himself could not lift it? There is an older version dating to around the 6th century B.C.: Could God deny Himself? And a more contemporary version:…

Have you guys seen this video yet? It’s the one of the bully getting a taste of his own medicine. . I’m interested to hear what you all think. Obviously the bully got what was coming to him, but from a christian perspective I’m not entirely sure Casey did the right thing. I know what…

I love the doing Greek word studies. Sometimes I think I even αγάπη it. Or perhaps it’s more of an Ἔρως…It’s sexy, I dig it. I like big bibles and I cannot lie. And I love that I get to be involved with academics in nerdy enough bible studies that actually use it. I wonder…

One of my students recently put up a Blog Post. I’d love to link it here, but considering what I’m going to say about it I think I had better not for fear of inciting a flame war. Suffice it to say she wrote about the disaster in Japan. It was honest, It was vulnerable.…

I have refrained from speaking for a long time. At times I have thought it prudent to be quiet. At times I have been a coward. But here is the truth. Rob Bell is a good man and a good pastor. More than that. He has good theology. I don’t agree with everything he’s ever…

One of my favorite things about by job as a campus minister is it’s amorphous nature. Between ministering, fund raising, networking, and personal development it is very difficult to find an activity that I might participate in which is not part of my job. Flying Kites in the park? That’s a “Gathering Event” Read a…

I've found myself frustrated lately by a number of discussions that were more heated than they needed to be. If fact, they were more existent than they needed to be, they could have just as easily not happened at all! So even though you guys are not the problem I'm writing the blog in the…

People often ask me what an "average day" looks like for me as a minister at KSU. My answer is always the same, "there's no such thing" In the field, every day is different, and in the line of service to the cross I have done everything from preaching to a congregation of octogenarians on…

Dear California Department of Justice, Local Police Departments including especially CHP and La County Sheriff, and the State Legislature: Dear California. Three generations ago my great grandfather crossed the Brooklyn bridge by foot. Coming to America he got the best job that a young Irish Immigrant could hope for. Police Officer. I never met him…

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